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Make your merchant services experience the best it can be!

Make your merchant services experience the best it can be!

For Free No Obligation Analysis of your merchant processing, reach out to us by clicking the buttom below.

All-in-one services


Merchants are moving to CASH pricing models

Cash pricing models benefit government and gas stations, why shouldn’t they also benefit you? This pricing model gives merchants the option to virtually eliminate processing fees.

No more annual rate increases and HIDDEN FEES

As card rates continue to increase over time, your payment processing fees will keep increasing with them. With the Take Charge Program, your fees will always be covered.

The Take Charge Program allows you to be MORE competitive

The Take Charge Program allows you to keep your costs low, while your competitors are forced to raise their prices due to increasing processing fees.


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Flexible pricing options

We ensure only best services for our clients

True Interchange plus

We offer True Interchange on every merchant account we process for. There are No hidden charges ever. We are 100% transparent, guaranteed. To assure our merchants of this, we will explain and educate them on how to read and understand their monthly processing statement.

Let us Eliminate your processing cost

With processing fees becoming one of a merchants highest monthly expenses, we can help you put more in the bank with this program. Nearly 7 out of every 10 merchants are taking advantage of this program that allows for transaction free processing. This would allow you to realize major savings that can help make your business more profitable.

NO Annual Fees

We save all of our merchants the cost of Annual Fees twice a year. Normally, the Annual Membership Fee is charged in June and the Annual PCI Fee is charged in December, These fees can range from $79 to $199.

Rate Lock Guarantee

Isn’t it time to have a consistent low processing rate that does not change? We guarantee that your rate will not increase for the entirety of our relationship.

We are the preferred merchant services provider for